2022 looks like being a bumper year for vaping. There is a growing body of evidence, all of which suggests that if you want to quit smoking, then vaping is the most effective way in which to do so.
The FactsNew Year’s Resolve
Most people are heading back to work after the New Year frivolities, looking to the year ahead and maybe already craving their next holiday. So, what better a time to take on a new challenge and take positive steps to enhance the quality of your life?
If you are a smoker, then quitting is, without question, the number one best thing you can do to improve your health and life expectancy. Quitting is not easy, but vaping can help - product standards are better than ever and they are easily accessible.
Why Vaping Works
There are many reasons why vaping can help you to quit smoking. Vaping provides you with nicotine and a throat hit, two of the things’ smokers miss most when they quit.
In addition to this there is the hand to mouth behaviour and this is very similar to the physical movement you associate with smoking. Finally, vaping gives you the “time outs” you are used to having as a smoker. A little headspace and a pause to think has long been part and parcel of the smoker’s lot and vaping provides the same opportunity for calm thought and reflection.
Do Something Positive
Quitting smoking and joining the vaping community may be just the thing to get your new year off to a flying start.
So, what are you waiting for? Do something positive today and make 2022 a year to remember!