What exactly is an E-Cigarette?

An electronic cigarette (e-cig or e-cigarette) or personal vaporizer (PV) is a battery-powered device which simulates tobacco smoking by producing a vapour that resembles smoke. It uses a heating element known as an atomizer that vaporizes a liquid solution known as E-Liquid. New to vaping? Take a look at our starter packs, chosen with beginners in mind.

Where are Hale eLiquids made?

All of our liquid is made in our state of the art factory in County Carlow, Ireland. The factory operates under the good manufacturing code and operates using natural process manufacturing techniques. We only use ingredients sourced from fully ISO certified and approved suppliers from within the EU. We are the only eLiquid to carry the Guaranteed Irish seal of quality.For more information on our eliquids click here

So, bearing all this in mind, is Vaping healthier than smoking?

While current legislation prevents us from making any such medical claims, we would encourage you to look at some of the most recent research in the field.
E-cigarettes around 95% less harmful than tobacco estimates landmark review
New study comes the closest yet to proving that e-cigarettes aren’t as dangerous as smoking

Is vaping cheaper than smoking?

E-Liquid is generally a lot cheaper than cigarettes. For example, it’s possible for an Irish smoker smoking 20 cigarettes a day who switches to vaping to save close to €4,000 a year by using our product. More information on how much money you can save!

Blog Post: Burning Your Cash

What about other benefits?

Now you’re just being greedy, but ok here is some other good news:
Blog Post: What to expect when giving up smoking
Blog Post: 10 Reasons vapers make better lovers We also stock a wide variety of Premium E-Liquids for the more advanced vaper

I’ve never used an E-Cigarette before, what do I need to start with?

A starter kit is highly recommended if you have made the decision to make the switch to a cheaper and healthier alternative. A starter kit includes everything you need to start vaping with the exception of the E-Liquid, which is sold separately.
Click here to view our Getting Started guide.
Starter Kits

Ok you’ve convinced me, Which Nicotine mg is right for me?

Our experts recommend the following:

3mg/0.3% (low)Up to 10 cigarettes a day.
6mg/0.6% (low)10+ cigarettes a day or social smoker/'light' brands
12mg/1.2% (medium)20 +cigarettes a day
18mg/1.8% (high)Up to 30+ cigarettes a day